It's annoying that there's no standard way to create file-level metadata, I usually just attach my 'top level' data to something like the root of the model in the FBX file. String raw_data = (string)incomingValues If (incomingPropetyNames.Contains(meta_key)) Var thisModelImporter = this.assetImporter as ModelImporter You'll want to find your attribute in the postprocessor and do something: public void OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties(GameObject incomingGameObject, string incomingPropetyNames, object incomingValues)
The easy way to do this is to add a custom attribute to an object in the Maya/Max scene and then use the Unity AssetPostprocessor to find the attribute and parse it's data.ĪssetPostprocessor has an OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties callback which will be fired for every transform in your fbx file which has a custom attribute applied.